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“Portuguese Contemporary Culture: Snapshots” Workshop by Sónia Mendes

On Friday, April 15, at 15:00, at the Portuguese Language Center at TSU (Building II, room 203), Sónia Mendes will give a workshop on Portuguese contemporary culture. In this workshop, Sónia intends to set off from the concept of (inter)culture, for a trip around pictorial and visual harbours that have influenced and made up Portuguese society. This journey intends to revisit historical eras of Portugal’s long past as a “nautical nation”, that led to what we can now consider Portuguese contemporary identity. A journey through “saudade”, national myths, sameness and otherness, a place in and out of Europe.

SÓNIA MENDES was born and raised in Porto, where she completed her undergraduate studies in Modern Languages and Literatures (English and German) in 2004. In her post graduate studies she specialized in Portuguese as a Foreign Language Didactics (2010) and is now finishing her PhD on the same topic, all at the University of Porto, Portugal.
From 2006 to 2012 she was the official representative of the Camões, IP [Portuguese Institute for Cooperation and Language] in Buenos Aires, Argentina: teaching Portuguese language and literature, training teachers and working as cultural attaché for the Portuguese Embassy in that country. She is currently a test designer for the Camões, IP.
Sónia has various publications and has presented myriad conferences, seminars and workshops, namely in Porto, Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil and Spain.
This event is part of a second edition of the series of Conferences/Workshops in English titled "Portuguese and Brazilian Culture for Beginners", taking place throughout the present academic year at the Portuguese Language Center at TSU and is open to anyone who wishes to know a bit more about Portugal and Brazils traditions, music, literature, society, cultural heritage, etc..
To keep updated on the various conferences/workshops to come, check the Portuguese at TSU facebook page regularly (
If you wish to secure your place or want to learn more, send an e-mail to


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