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Portuguese and Brazilian Literature Classics – 800 years of Portuguese language [workshop]

On the 17th December, at 14:30, at the Portuguese Language Center at TSU, Vera Peixoto [Director of the Portuguese Language Center at TSU] will be offering an introductory workshop to Portuguese and Brazilian Literature Classics. You are invited join us in a literary trip through time, to learn about some of the most renown authors from both countries. The event is dedicated to the celebration of 800 years of Portuguese language (2014).

If you are interested in participating, you are requested to send an email, confirming your presence, to, so that we know how many people we will be preparing material for.
Partaking is free and places are limited to the space available at the Language Center.

This event is the second of a series of Conferences/Workshops in English titled Portuguese and Brazilian Culture for Beginners, taking place during the present academic year, for anyone who wishes to know a bit more about Portugal and Brazil’s traditions, music, literature, society, cultural heritage, etc.
Roughly every month, one conference or workshop takes place at the Portuguese Language Center at TSU – building 2 room 203.

To keep updated on the various conferences/workshops to come, check the Portuguese at TSU facebook page regularly (


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