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The Portuguese Language Week 2016 (3rd to 7th May) was very eventful and we would like to share some moments here with you.

I would like to thank, first of all, Marietta Chikhladze, the Portuguese Language Center Coordinator – my partner in crime – for her hard work and great ideas.
Thank you to all the students who participated, gave ideas, who helped out, came to the events, who learned and rehearsed songs and performed at Zoestan on the 4th – without you this week would not have been nearly as fun!

Thank you to Rafael Silveira, for bringing such a breath of fresh air to the Portuguese Language Center this year: thanks to his enthusiasm and ideas, we have now a Language Club and we started singing together in Portuguese – the result was the performance at Zoestan on the 4th May. As well as for the very interesting conference on the 7th May.

Thank you to Cátia Alhandra and José Alegre of Fad’Nu, for the sung conference on the 4th and the Fado concert on the 5th – for bringing a bit of Portuguese soul & magic to Georgia! Thank you, Daniela Tomaz, for being great at your job as artistic director of the Lagos Music Academy, for recommending Fad’Nu to us and for your support even from a distance.

Thank you to Frank Anthony Miller for selecting the wines, for the presentation and overall support; to the Portuguese Honorary Consul in Georgia, Dr. Kakha Sharabidze, for the bureaucratic and financial support.

Thank you to the Brazilian Ambassador in Georgia, Dr. Cícero Martins Garcia, and the Deputy Rector of TSU, Professor Josef Salukvadze.
And thank you to Zoe Perret, from Zoestan, for receiving us once again for the Portuguese Language and Culture Night.

Most of all, thank you to everyone who came and celebrated the Portuguese language and culture with us!
Vera Peixoto
[Director of the Portuguese Language Center]
For the whole album, please check the Portuguese at TSU facebook page


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