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José Luís Peixoto’s Visit in Tbilisi [16th – 20th December 2016]

TSU – Camoes Portuguese Language Center is proud to invite to the series of conference, translation workshop, book reading and events held on occasion of José Luís Peixoto’s visit to Tbilisi from 16th to 20th December.

José Luís Peixoto is Portugese on of the most acclaimed and bestselling contemporary novelists. This year, with the initiative and support of TSU – Camoes Center his latest novel Galveias has been translated into Georgian by Guranda Pachulia, and published by Sulakauri Publishing House.

The translation was granted by Georgian National Book Center and Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language. It represents the first Portuguese novel translated directly from the original into Georgian. José Luís Peixoto is coming to Georgia for five days (16th-20th December) to attending the presentation of Galveias and meeting the Georgian readers.
Please see below the agenda of his visit during the (16th-20th December) 2016.


Friday 9th December
18:30 | TSU – Camoes Portuguese Language Centre [TSU Building II, room 203]
Guranda Pachulia’s Workshop “Translating José Luís Peixoto’s Poetry into Georgian”

Friday 16th December
19:00 | TSU – Camoes Portuguese Language Centre [TSU Building II, room 203]
José Luís Peixotos Conference “The Portuguese Contemporary Literature. The Case of José Luís Peixoto”   

21:00 | Movement Theatre [Aghmashenebeli ave 182, Mushtaidi Garden]
Recitative in the City with José Luís Peixoto

Sunday 18th December

15:00 | National Library of Georgia [Gudiashvili 7]
Galveias Presentation Venue and Meeting with Author
[Event is organized by Sulakauri Publishing House]

Tuesday 20th December

19:00 | Zoestan [5 Vakhtang Beridze str.]
Galveias Reading Evening to Zoestan with José Luís Peixoto and Guranda Pachulia (translator).


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