Institute of Visual Arts

  Head of the Institute -  Assoc. Prof. Levan Silagadze

Academic Secretary - Assist. Prof. Vladimer Asatiani

Contact Details:
Address: Attic, N1, Chavchavadze Ave., TSU, 1st Building
Academic Staff:

Department of Fine Arts
1. Assoc Prof. Levan Silagadze (Head of the Department)
2. Assistant Prof. Vladimer Asatiani

Department of Film and Television
3. Assoc. Prof. Merab Kokochashvili (Head of the Department)
4. Assistant Prof. Lela Tsipuria

• Film and Television Studio
Address: Basement, 36, I. Chavchavadze Ave., TSU 5th Building
• Design Studio
Address: Rooms 131-133, 36, I. Chavchavadze Ave., TSU 5th Building. 
• Fine Arts Studio 
Address: Attic, N1, Chavchavadze Ave. TSU, 1st Building, 
გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2016-07-06 16:18:43