
TSU Science

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TSU - the first university in the Caucasus. The century-old tradition of research and teaching. Established in 1918.

Journal Number: 0

The National Institute of Endocrinology (NIE) is one of the leading endocrinology clinics in Georgia and serves as the base for the Endocrinology Department of the Faculty of Medicine at TSU. In addition to its large team of endocrinologists, the Institute brings together a wide range of specialists including surgeons, cardiologists, ophthalmologists, neuro-pathologists, andrologists, etc. The Institute offers outpatient, inpatient and surgical services and conducts scientific and clinical studies with TSU Department of Endocrinology or through the support of donor organizations. Approximately 20 scientific studies are underway at the Institute today.

For the last 15-20 years medical researchers have studied the application of nanoparticles that have magnetic properties. This interest can be explained by the amazing possibility of controlling nanoparticles remotely through the application of a magnetic field. Today scientists use nanoparticles to develop a method of treating oncological diseases. Local hyperthermia could now become one of the major methods of treating cancer patients.

In December 2012, at the initiative of the Ministry of Corrections and Legal Assistance of Georgia, the LEPL Penitentiary and Probation Training Centre (PPTC) and the Faculty of Law of Tbilisi State University, a non-profit legal entity called the Prison Study Centre was established. It unites scientists and practitioners working in the fields of penitentiaries and probation.

The easternmost section of the Black Sea regional short-term forecasting system was developed with the participation of Georgian scientists on the basis of mathematical modeling as one of the components of the overall Black Sea diagnosis and forecasting system. The Development of the Black Sea Diagnosis and Operational Forecasting System was carried out from 2003 to 2005 as an EU-ARENA international scientific and technical project and the Black Sea regional forecasting system easternmost sector covered the Georgian coastline and waters.