
TSU Science

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TSU - the first university in the Caucasus. The century-old tradition of research and teaching. Established in 1918.

Journal Number: 0

What is the role Facebook and other social networks play in Georgian political parties? How do political parties’ online activities determine their success? Which social networks are most popular with political parties?

Unlike the world’s leading countries, these issues started to arise in Georgia only a few years ago. Research on “The Role of Social Networks in Georgian Party Politics” is a social scientific study on the use of social networks in Georgian political processes, conducted in 2011-2013 and financed by the Academic Swiss Caucasus Net (ASCN) with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Ilia State University as implementing partners. ASCN is a five-year program to develop humanitarian and social sciences in the South Caucasus.

With globalization it becomes increasingly important to protect citizens against the influx of unfamiliar foods which may be poor in quality and unhealthy—or may even present a danger for public health. The increasing amounts of unsafe, falsified, genetically modified and other foodstuffs can have adverse effects on the environment, on economic development and on human health.

Dentists believe that the mouth cavity is a mirror of the entire human organism, as its condition simultaneously reflects and defines the general condition of human health. Cavities are multi-factorial affecting different parts of the teeth and causing tooth decay. According to the data of international organizations tooth decay is one of the most widespread diseases in both children and adults. Research conducted by TSU scientists on “Tooth decay and the state of periodontal tissue in Georgian pediatric dentistry” was a six-month study that examined the issue for school children in 2011.  Children living in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Akhaltsikhe and Marneuli were examined during this period. The project was implemented by the Department of Stomatology and Jaw & Facial Surgery at the TSU Faculty of Medicine in cooperation with the Israeli Division of the International Association for Dental Research.

Few people may know that since its foundation in 1918, the first Georgian university has had relations with leading European universities. Just a year after its foundation, two brothers – Ivane and Alexander Nikuradze – left for Germany to take up their studies at the University of Göttingen, which was known for its institutes of mathematics and physics. Ivane Nikuradze soon became the founder of modern hydrodynamics and aerodynamics; as a distinguished student of Professor Ludwig Prandtl, he successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Observations on Speed Distribution in Turbulent Flows”. He and his doctoral advisor participated in the establishment of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, today known as the Max Planck Institute.