
TSU Science

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TSU - the first university in the Caucasus. The century-old tradition of research and teaching. Established in 1918.

Journal Number: 0

Development, economic growth and raising the standard of living in the country are all linked directly to capital market development. One of the real levers, and the most acceptable and practical forms of investment are to invest in equities through the stock market. It is clear for the developed world how important the organized stock market is. This includes Western Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, China and other countries with powerful stock industries such as the New York Stock Exchange; Euronext; NASDAQ OMX; the London Stock Exchange and many others. The mediation business or brokerage/investment firms include Merrill Lynch; Morgan Stanley; Goldman Sachs; J.P. Morgan; Barclays Capital and many other investment banks. The Georgian Investment Group + (or GIG+) is headed by Davit Aslanishvili, Assistant Professor at the Department of Finance and Banking of the TSU Faculty of Economics and Business. He serves as Chairman of Supervisory Board and has conducted many studies on the Georgian stock market, its development and current situation.

The development of tourism is considered an utmost priority for Georgia, however its economic role has never been adequately evaluated.  Prior to research such as that carried out by TSU scholar Professor Maia Margvelashvili, there had been no methodology to evaluate this process. Head of the Tourism Department at TSU, Dr. Margvelashvili, took the initiative of establishing a methodology. In 2011, Dr. Margvelashvili won a Fulbright Scholarship sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to enable her to carry out research in the USA. During her stay at the University of South Carolina (Columbia) College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, she worked on a project entitled Studies of the Methodology of the Economic Impact of Travel and Tourism.  In addition to her research activities, Dr. Margvelashvili’s visit to the University of South Carolina had other positive outcomes such as plans to establish a joint MA program for 2014-2015, for student and staff exchange programs between the University of South Carolina and TSU.

The Artificial Blood Circulation system, or a perfusion system, is a device that takes over the functions of the heart and lungs. It facilitates artificial blood circulation and delivers oxygen to the human organism. Scientists at Alexander Natishvili Institute of Morphology of Tbilisi State University started to work on the development of a perfusion system model in 2004. Today these researchers will present their invention to society.  It is more economical than other well-known perfusion systems and at the same time respects all the parameters of more expensive systems.

The Vardzia monastery complex is located in the extreme southwest of Georgia on the left bank of the Mtkvari River near the Turkish-Georgian border. It is 1300 m above sea level and belongs to the Aspindza Municipality of the Meskheti Region. The monastery dates to the 12th-13th centuries (1156-1203). Since 2007, by nomination of the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, the monument is on the provisional list for inclusion in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Today this cultural heritage monument faces serious threats however.