
კვლევის მეთოდების კურსების მოდული თსუ-ს დოქტორანტებისთვის

16 ივნისიდან 30 ივლისამდე სოციალურ მეცნიერებათა ცენტრში ჩატარდება კვლევის მეთოდების კურსების მოდული საერთაშორისო სადოქტორო პროგრამების ”საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების” და ”გენდერის კვლევის” დარეგისტრირებული აპლიკანტებისათვის.

კვლევის მეთოდების კურსები ასევე შეუძლიათ აიღონ თსუ-ს სოციალურ და პოლიტიკურ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის სხვა სადოქტორო პროგრამების სტუდენტებმა, აგრეთვე თსუ-ს სხვა ფაკულტეტების დოქტორანტებმა საჭიროების შემთხვევაში. რეგისტრაცია კურსებზე უნდა მოხდეს 14 ივნისამდე. რეგისტრაციისთვის დოქტორანტებმა ელ.ფოსტით უნდა გამოაგზავნონ შევსებული სარეგისტრაციო ფორმა შემდეგ მისამართზე mmikaberidze@ucss.ge აგრეთვე უნდა წარმოადგინონ ამობეჭდილი და ხელმოწერილი ასლიც  14 ივნისის  17.00 სთ-მდე.

კვლევის მეთოდების მოდული მოიცავს შემდეგ კურსებს:

  1. სოციალურ მეცნიერებათა ფილოსოფია (5 ECTS, 30 საკონტაქტო საათი)
  2. გამოყენებითი სტატისტიკის შესავალი (5 ECTS, 30 საკონტაქტო საათი)
  3. სოციალური კვლევის მეთოდები (რაოდენობრივი, თვისებრივი) (5 ECTS, 30 საკონტაქტო საათი)

Research Methods Training Module at CSS

The Center for Social Sciences is implementing Research Methods Training module for registered applicants of international PhD programs and PhD students of TSU doctoral programs in June 16 – July 30. Applicants registered for international PhD programs in IR and Gender Studies are automatically registered for RM courses.

All registered applicants have to pass Research Methods Training Module consisted of following courses: Philosophy of Social Sciences, Introduction to Applied Statistics and Social Research Methods. Candidates who have already completed equivalent coursework at the MA level may request exemption from this requirement. If they wish to request exemption, they must provide the syllabi for the courses they have taken and also the marks received to the Admissions Commission and to the DTU officer.

Research Methods Training Module is also open for PhD level students from other PhD programs at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, TSU, as well as from other Faculties of Tbilisi State University.
To be registered for CSS RM training module the doctoral students from other PhD programs should submit filled application form both e-version (send to mmikaberidze@ucss.ge) and hard copy by June 14, 17.00 pm.

Research Methods Training Module comprises following courses:
  1. Philosophy of Social Sciences  
  2. Introduction to Applied Statistics
  3. Social Research Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative)

1) Philosophy of Social Sciences  
Dr. Tamar Tskhadadze, Associate Professor FSPS, TUS,
                                       Head of Gender Studies MSocSc program
Course objectives: The course is intended to introduce students to central concepts and trends of the Philosophy of the social Science; to ontological, epistemological and methodological issues connected with social sciences; to acquaint students with alternative models of scientific explanation and their application in social sciences, the debates over explanation vs. understanding, causality and the place of internationality in it, structure vs. subject, objectivity vs. personal engagement, etc.
Learning outcomes: The student will have command of key concepts of the philosophy of science, be acquainted with dominant trends and controversies in the Philosophy of the social science, have acquired skills of critical reading and understanding philosophical concepts and argumentative strategies for analyzing various problems and standpoints.

2) Introduction to Applied Statistics
Dr. Nino Javakhishvili, Gender Studies Faculty member, Full professor, Dep. of Psychology, FSPS, TSU
Mr. Koba Turmanidze, Faculty of TSC MSocSc program; AFP Returning Fellow
Course objectives: This course offers basic introduction to applied statistics using SPSS. It’s objective is to give students good understanding of data analysis, interpreting the results and communicating findings. The first part of the course focuses on the use of quantitative techniques to summarize and present different types of data. The second part focuses on statistical inference – how to link characteristics of a sample to the population from which the sample is drawn. Topics addressed will include comparing means, categorical data analysis, analysis of variance, correlation and simple linear regression.
Learning outcomes: By the end of the course students will acquire good understanding of survey research and basic data analysis; learn how to conduct statistical analysis by hand and using SPSS; gain skills of describing and interpreting statistical data; apply statistical inferences to address research questions in social sciences; evaluate the role of statistical methods in social sciences.

3) Social Research Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative)
Dr. Lia Tsuladze, Associate Professor, FSPS, TSU; TSC and Gender Studies Faculty member
Dr. Tinatin Zurabishvili, TSC and Gender Studies Faculty member
Course objectives: The students will learn how social research is conducted when the above mentioned research methods are employed, and will learn how to plan their own research project. In addition, students with get necessary knowledge to understand and critically assess results of empirical social research conducted by other researchers.
Learning outcomes: As a result of attending this course, the students will know strengths and weaknesses of surveys; quantitative content analysis; in-depth interviews; and focus groups. They will be able to design their own social research project using each of these research methods, and will have enough competence to judge about the quality of research conducted by other researchers.

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