
სამაგისტრო პროგრამა "ჯანდაცვის მართვა და ორგანიზაცია" სალერნოს უნივერსიტეტში

აპლიკაციის მიღების ბოლო ვადაა ა/წ 24 მარტი.
დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაციისთვის იხილეთ ტექსტი:

Master DAOSan is a post-graduate course organized by the Department of Management & Information Technology of the University of Salerno. The current 9th Edition of the Course aims at improving managerial skills of high-profile professionals, focusing on the most valuable abilities to lead public and private healthcare organizations as well as to carry out professional consultancy work.

The MSc DAOSan is open to 40 Master degree graduates (second level degree) in every field. We also welcome experienced private workers and public servants (health care professionals, health care managers, people working in healthcare organizations or any other type of public agency).

The duration of the course is 1,500 hours and consists of 60 ECTS credits that concern: 400 hours in the lecture hall, allocated in basic modules (Marketing, communication and computer systems in healthcare services; Organization and human resource management in healthcare services; Accounting, governance and management control in healthcare services; Healthcare systems: models, regulations and strategies) and specialist modules (civil and administrative law of healthcare activities - clinical governance, technology assessment and pharma-economics - safety, liability and risk management in healthcare services); 300 hours of e-learning courses, and 800 hours of individual study, internship and final paper.

An internship period (around 3 months) allows students to put into practice the skills they have acquired during the Course. More than 90 organizations in Italy and abroad (including public and private healthcare agencies, health companies, pharmaceutical and electromedical firms, hospitals, consultancy firms, health institutions and universities) are willing to host DAOSan students to complete their trainee period. Of course, Georgian students could choose a host organization in their Country, and they could complete the internship under the supervision of a tutor appointed by the host organization and the guidance of a professor of Tbilisi University.

Applications for next edition (Class 9) are now open; deadline is March, 24, 2014.

Classes usually take place on two days (in the afternoon, 5 hours per day) a week. So, students have a lot of free time. Generally, foreign students spend their free time in leisure activities (our campus has several areas addressed to sport activities and arts), looking for a job in Italy or in attending language courses. We can help them to find a job, indeed.

Fee to attend the Master DAOSan is € 6.500,00 (to pay in 7 installments) if students will attend the Course in one academic year. In this case, they receive supplementary services, such as a Vocational training realized in partnership with ADECCO, and training courses aimed at achieving international skill certifications (ECDL Health – EQDL Health – Internal Auditor UNI EN ISO 9001; Auditor in Safety). Students who attend the Course in two academic years (they will not receive supplementary services) have to pay a fee of € 4.500,00  (in 6 installments).There are several scholarship from private and public organizations.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please visit www.daosan.it or contact our Secretary Office ( +39.089.963031 +39.089.963031 _email: daosan@unisa.it) for further information or to ask for the application procedure.


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