
საერთაშორისო საზაფხულო სკოლა კორუნას უნივერსიტეტში

დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაციისთვის იხილეთ:
The University of A Coruñas International Summer School offers a selection of 22 three-week intensive courses taught by international faculty from 4 to 22 August 2014, which are open to Spanish and foreign undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates. Courses are taught in English and have an academic value of 6 ECTS credits (www.udc.es/ori/iss/courses/).

Faculty come from different universities in 14 different countries and are renowned experts in their fields. They are active in academic research, consultancy or government. Courses are an opportunity for local and foreign students and faculty to engage in an international experience and benefit from their mutual interaction in one of the best venues for a summer course in Europe.

Interested students should apply online (www.udc.es/ori/iss/registration.html). Informal enquiries can be directed toiss@udc.es.

The University reserves a number of scholarships covering registration fees, accommodation and meals for students from low-income, lower-middle income or upper-middle income countries, classified according to GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method.

For further details about individual courses, fees, scholarships, supplementary Spanish language courses, accommodation, and social programme, please visit www.udc.es/ori/iss.


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