
ესტონეთის საგარეო საქმეთა სამინისტროსა და ტარტუს უნივერსიტეტის სამაგისტრო სტიპენდიები

Scholarships for studying in the  Baltic Sea Region Studies MA Programme at the University of Tartu, Estonia

Centre for Baltic Studies, University of Tartu and Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs  offer  scholarships for the study year 2011/2012  to students from  Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belorussia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to participate in the Baltic Sea Region Studies MA Programme at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

Please find more information about the BSRS programme at http://www.cbs.ut.ee

The scholarship covers tuition fee (3200EUR per year), travel to and from Tartu, residence permit and insurance.

Eligible applicants must be citizens of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belorussia, Armenia or Aserbaijan.

Please find information about the application process at

Documents to be submitted:
  • online application
  • motivation letter. Guidelines and evaluation criteria are included in the online application form;
  • official copy of the Bachelor’s diploma or its equivalent and Diploma Supplement (transcript/mark sheet) in the original language;
  • official translation of the Bachelor’s diploma and Diploma Supplement into English, translation certified;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • 1 photo (3 x 4 cm);
  • recommendation letter from a faculty member or from an employer;
  • proof of English language skills. Acceptable proofs include test certificates (such as TOEFL, SAT, etc); additional info http://www.ut.ee/445890
  • copy of the passport page stating the applicant’s personal particulars.

Application deadline is May 1, 2011.
Please send the application package by indicated deadline to siiri.maimets@ut.ee
and also via regular mail /courier to:
Centre for Baltic Studies, Lossi str 3-326, Tartu, 51003, ESTONIA

Applications are evaluated on the basis of academic merit and motivation to study in the programme.
 For additional information please contact Siiri Maimets at siiri.maimets@ut.ee


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