
TSU’s 100th Anniversary

Solemn events marking the 100th anniversary of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) will be held on February 7-9, 2018. Delegations of leading universities and international organizations from about 50 countries, as well as representatives of Georgian executive and legislative authorities will participate in the events.   

As part of anniversary events, the Tbilisi State University and European universities will sign Memorandums of Understanding and Letters of Intent. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze, Minister of Education and Science, Mikheil Chkhenkeli and Director of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Manana Mikaberidze will sign Letters of Intent with the representatives of four European universities on establishing and financing the Centers for Kartvelian Studies. Moreover, Memorandums will be signed between TSU and five European partner universities on developing relations, creating joint educational programs and participating in exchange programs.       

The Georgian President, Prime Minister, Parliament and Mayor of Tbilisi will host solemn receptions for the university delegations.

One of the major events of the anniversary celebrations is an international symposium “Perspectives of Higher Education: Revival of the Past and Thinking about the Future.” Experts in higher education and delegations of European universities will participate. An official ceremony of awarding honorary doctorates will also be held as part of anniversary celebrations. Rectors of seven European and American universities as well as professors of three universities will be awarded TSU Honorary Doctorates.

The TSU Coat of Arms will officially be unveiled at the university’s central building on February 8. A gala concert will be held on the day of opening the university with the participation of famous opera singers, folklore ensembles and the Georgian National Ballet.  

Anniversary flags have been hoisted in the central streets of Tbilisi, on the Parliament building and Tbilisi International Airport. The TSU building façade, the Bridge of Peace and the Tbilisi Tower will be illuminated in TSU colors.

A number of exhibitions will be held in connection with TSU’s 100th anniversary. Expositions on the university history and its archaeological discoveries will be on display.
The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) issued a silver collector coin in denomination of 5 Lari to mark the 100th anniversary of TSU. A postage stamp commemorating the anniversary will also be released soon.

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University’s 100th Anniversary will be held under the auspices of UNESCO in 2018. This decision was made by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization with support of friendly countries at the 39th session of the General Conference in Paris.

Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, sent a letter of congratulation on the occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of TSU.

“For decades, Tbilisi State University has been making an important contribution to the region’s social, economic and cultural activities, in part thanks to its multicultural body of students and teachers. It acts as a regional education hub and has had an important impact on the development of higher education in the region. Today, Tbilisi State University welcomes students from a diverse range of countries. Georgia has had the highest number of incoming exchange students from the European Union,” the letter reads.

A special government commission has been set up to plan and organize the events marking the 100th anniversary of TSU countrywide and internationally. The commission is led by Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili. The events marking TSU’s anniversary were launched in December 2017 and will last throughout the next year.      

On December 15, 1917 (old style December 2), the Transcaucasian Commissariat finally approved the regulations and eventually, 100 years ago, on December 15, 1917 (old style December 2), the Tbilisi State University was legally founded.  

The first-ever national university in the Caucasus was opened on February 8, 1918 (old style January 26), the day of commemoration of King David the Builder. The university laid the foundation for a European-type higher school in Georgia, based on Georgian educational traditions.

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University meets its 100th anniversary as the major educational and research institution in the country, which annually implements about 200 local and international scientific grant projects with about 22 thousand Georgian and about 600 foreign students undergoing their studies there. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) is the only university not only in Georgia, but throughout the Caucasus region, which has been ranked among the top 2 percent of universities in the world, according to U.S. News & World Report.


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