
Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard of Leiden University Delivers Public Lecture at TSU

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a public lecture within the framework of the Cleveringa lectures. Giorgi Sharvashidze, Rector of TSU; Laila Omar Gad, UNICEF Representative in Georgia; Jos Douma, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Georgia; Peter Danis, Programme Manager at the EU Delegation to Georgia; academics and students attended the event. 

The lecture “Children deprived of their liberty: international children’s rights and local challenges” by Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard of Leiden University was held on November 20 – the day when the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child celebrates its 28th anniversary. Georgia is a party to the Convention. The public lecture was dedicated to children’s rights. Key issues related to exercising international rights in case of depriving children of liberty were discussed. 

Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard said that every child has the right to be heard and it especially concerns the children deprived of their liberty. 

“In different countries, namely in 35 cities of Europe and 11 cities of Holland, professors from universities are having Cleveringa lectures in order to honor Dean of the Faculty of Law at Leiden University, Rudolph Cleveringa, who in 1940 delivered his astonishingly wonderful speech, when he was asked by the occupation forces to fire law professors and he was opposing that,” Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze said, adding that afterwards Leiden University was closed down and it resumed studies only following de-occupation. 

The lecture by Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard was delivered within the framework of the Cleveringa meetings held annually following Professor Cleveringa’s protest speech. Professor Rudolph Cleveringa delivered a heroic speech on 26 November 1940 in protest against the dismissal of his Jewish colleagues. Since 1946, professors of the Leiden University have been delivering public lectures on topical issues worldwide. It was the first year that Georgia hosted the Cleveringa lecture.   

Jos Douma, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Georgia, said that the purpose of the November 20 lecture was to show Georgian audience what it meant to demonstrate leadership, as done by Professor Cleveringa. He also added that the public lecture was dedicated to children’s rights.  

The public lecture was organized by the Leiden University and TSU; it was held with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands to Georgia, the EU Delegation to Georgia and UNICEF.


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