
Georgian Finance Minister Meets TSU Students

What is happening in global economy, how business models are changing in the era of digital technology, what are the challenges facing the countries, including Georgia in this regard – these and other interesting issues were discussed by Georgian Finance Minister Ivane Matchavariani during his meeting with students of the Faculty of Economics and Business as well as International School of Economics at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on November 20.

Minister Matchavariani also focused on the government’s new initiative aimed to settle the problem of excessive debt, saying that excessive debt is one of the deterrents to economic development. He once again explained the reasons for making the decision, noting that due to this problem almost one third of the country’s active population appeared in the so called “black list.” Our goal is to release as many citizens from debts as possible to ensure their return to a normal, healthy social-economic life,” the Finance Minister said.

When asked whether there are risks that a part of the population will again accumulate debts, Matchavariani responded that in case of responsible lending, the problem will not be so widespread.

“In case of responsible lending, such loans will no longer be issued and so many debts will no longer be accumulated because a lot of barriers, terms and restrictions have been developed. I think, it is a one-time political step as well as an opportunity to improve the grave social situation. Today, when we talk a lot about the development of human capital, naturally, intensification of this capital and increasing its mobility will promote economic development. This is just their activity where the potential of economic growth lies. Thus, the return of capable citizens to the country’s economy will have an important effect,” the Finance Minister said.

Commenting on the meeting with students, Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze emphasized the importance of this format and noted that it is a good opportunity for the youth to receive information about current and interesting issues directly from government officials.

“A lot of questions were asked during the meeting with the Minister. An active discussion was held. It is important when senior officials talk with students about painful issues existing in the country. A very frank and good dialogue was held. This format is exemplary for others. If the principle of our government is openness, it is, first of all, openness with our students, our future,” Rector Sharvashidze said.

“The government’s contacts with audience and especially students are very important. The government should answer our questions about various processes. I think, the Finance Minister gave comprehensive answers to our questions,” Giorgi Mikeladze, student of the Faculty of Economics and Business, said.

“The government’s answers to the questions persisting in the society are always very interesting and it is more interesting when respective ministers meet with students of certain specialization. I think that this meeting will prove fruitful for them. As for us, it was an important explanation, answers to those questions, which have been accumulated during a certain period of time,” Ana Mzhavanadze, student of International School of Economics at TSU, noted, adding that similar meetings on various developments should definitely continue in future.


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