
TSU Honorary Doctorate Awarded to Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs

“The most influential living economist”, “The world’s best-known economist”, “The most important economist in the world” – this is how the world’s most influential media outlets write about Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs, who was awarded Honorary Doctorate of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on March 12. After the award ceremony, SDG Advocate for UN Secretary-General, Professor Sachs delivered a public lecture for TSU students and professors. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Maia Tskitishvili, lawmakers, professors and students attended the event.

“I could not be more honored to be receiving doctorate honoris causa from Tbilisi State University. This is great university. It celebrated its 100th birthday last year,” Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs said, noting that he shared his message about “the importance of sustainable development and the ways that the universities can contribute to sustainable development.”

“Education, healthcare, finance and other services – the commitment of the government to raise the share of national income going to education is the right way to proceed,” he said adding that “I am very pleased to see that policy and I am very optimistic about it”.

“The visits of such high-ranking persons to Georgia is very interesting and can only be welcomed,” TSU Rector George Sharvashidze said. “The fact that Jeffrey Sachs was awarded doctorate honoris causa is a great honor not only for him, but for us too. Jeffrey Sachs will return to Georgia and our students will again have an opportunity to listen to his lectures. I hope that our government will also join the activities, because Jeffrey Sachs has led and is still leading a lot of very successful projects in many countries.”

Jeffrey Sachs talked to TSU students and professors about the ways and possibilities of Georgia’s economic development. “The lecture was very interesting. Jeffrey Sachs spoke about the economic challenges facing the country, as well as global challenges, including environmental protection. For me, it was interesting to listen to him, because I received a lot of interesting information. Generally, I think that it is important to invite such people to the university,” TSU student, Saba Sakhvadze said.

Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, innovative educator, and global leader in sustainable development. Prior to joining Columbia University, Sachs spent over twenty years as a professor at Harvard University. He is Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development, and an SDG Advocate for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Professor Sachs was the co-recipient of the 2015 Blue Planet Prize, the leading global prize for environmental leadership.

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