
„Recent Migratory Processes and Europe: Challenges and Opportunities“

The Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues of Georgia, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Center for Interdisciplinary Programmes and Research Development in cooperation with the EU-funded ENIGMMA („Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management“) project implemented in Georgia by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development invites interested scholars to apply for an international conference “Recent Migratory Processes and Europe: Challenges and Opportunities”. This conference will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, in the last week of September, 2016. The conference is designed to address challenges and opportunities of recent migratory processes to and from the EU, and in doing so, foster academic exchange and evidence-based policy making in the field. A two-day conference is envisaged as a unique opportunity for international and local scholars to come together to share their research findings to foster our understanding of migration from a broader inter-regional perspective.

Selected topics for the conference would include:

• Migration and Demographic Prospects in Europe/EU;
• Economy and Migration in Europe/EU: Pluses and Minuses;
• Migrants’ Integration: Evidence from Europe/EU;
• Migration and Security Challenges in Europe/EU;
• Migration and future of the Europe/EU;
• Migration and Development: further strategies for Europe/EU.

For information related to application and funding procedures, please, consult the Call for Papers document.

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