
Award Ceremony of Student Competition “Planet Read More”

An award ceremony of a cognitive student competition “Planet Read More” was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on June 23. Natia Gogichaishvili, student of the Faculty of Humanities, became the winner after scoring the most, 48 points. The winner was awarded the main prize - GEL 1000 established by Books in Batumi publishing house.

“Each round of the competition offered very interesting literature and diverse questions. Therefore, the project was very interesting for me as for a student, a reader and simply a contestant,” Natia Gogichaishvili, the project winner said.

All the ten finalists of the competition were awarded special prizes established by the Tbilisi State University and Books in Batumi publishing house.

Acting Rector of TSU, Darejan Tvaltvadze congratulated the project winner and finalists on their victory and awarded certificates to them. “This project enabled a lot of students of our university to read new and interesting literature, to reveal their knowledge and interest towards literature and reach the final after passing through a number of rounds,” Darejan Tvaltvadze said. 

Irakli Bakuridze, director of Books in Batumi publishing house, said: “TSU launched the project several years ago. This year Books in Batumi joined the competition, which was underway for three months and ended very successfully. Student involvement in the competition was high and our publishing house supported them as much as possible.”

The cognitive project for all students of the university was launched in May. The contestants read the books selected for the project and took the tests specifically prepared for them.10 contestants with the highest points competed with each other in the final.

Leaders of each round were also revealed and memorable gifts and certificates were awarded to them. Five online quizzes were held in frames of the competition; the winners were awarded prizes and additional 2 points. The idea of the student project belongs to the students of Tbilisi State University and it is implemented jointly by TSU and Books in Batumi publishing house. The project aims at promoting youth literacy and offering more literature to the students in a form of competition.


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