
TSU Master’s Program in Public Administration Granted International Accreditation

A solemn event dedicated to granting international accreditation to Master’s Program in Public Administration was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on July 31. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Minister of Education and Science, Tamar Sanikidze, Finance Minister Nodar Khaduri, representatives of government agencies, international organizations and embassies, TSU academic and administrative staff, as well as students attended the event.

An agreement was signed with the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) in December 2013 aimed to obtain international accreditation for Master’s Program in Public Administration implemented in frames of cooperation between the TSU Faculty of Law and German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said: “The Tbilisi State University has achieved yet another success in the international arena. Signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union means new opportunities and new responsibilities for Georgian education system. Master’s Program in Public Administration became the first program in Georgia and the Caucasus as a whole that has gained international accreditation. Graduates of this program should get jobs in Georgia’s government structures; we need good managers in the government.”
“The Tbilisi State University took a huge step ahead – we have got the first program with international accreditation. The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a legislative package that will enable us to issue joint diplomas in frames of common programs. Similar programs will ensure the quality that we are talking about so frequently,” Minister of Education and Science, Tamar Sanikidze said.

“The first Georgian university had the honor to gain international accreditation for its master’s program. It has confirmed once again that TSU is the first Georgian university not only chronologically. The university has developed the program in cooperation with the Finance Ministry to prepare public servants. The ministry will always be interested in receiving highly skilled staff. Similar master’s programs will promote education reforms in Georgia and facilitate approximation with European space,” Georgian Finance Minister, Nodar Khaduri said.

By June 19, 2015 decision of FIBAA, international accreditation was granted to Master’s Program in Public Administration without recommendations and remarks for a term of five years that is an unprecedented case in Georgia’s university history.

The Master’s program in Public Administration, which the Tbilisi State University (TSU) offers in cooperation with the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, was launched in December 2009. The interdisciplinary study program that is held in English language by lecturers from both - Georgian and German - sides was elaborated to prepare students for leading functions in the public sector in Georgia. As a practical module the Master´s program comprises two internships - one in Georgia and another one in the city of Speyer (Germany), where students will take part in a summer school. In addition, students will undergo several month long internships in one of the OECD member countries.


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