
Meeting with Erasmus Mundus Project Coordinators and Representatives of European Universities

On November 6 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted an information meeting with the coordinators of Erasmus Mundus projects funded by the European Commission, involving BACKIS, HERMES, EMBER, as well as with the representatives of four European universities, among them the Universities of Seville, Athens, Sofia and Viadrina.

“The EU-funded mobility programs, where the Tbilisi State University has been a partner since 2011, were presented during the meeting. The coordinators also presented those programs, in which Georgia participates as a country, where students, professors and administrative staff can make applications. Erasmus Mundus projects involve both short-term and long-term mobility,” Head of TSU Foreign Relations Department, Tea Gergedava said.

“Seven universities of six European countries are involved in HERMES program. We are cooperating with the universities of Greece, Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Germany and Sweden. Although vacant seats are limited, I think that HERMES program is a great opportunity for those young people, who completed their undergraduate degrees in Georgia and now want to obtain a Master’s degree and continue their studies in the EU universities involved in our project,” HERMES program coordinator, Amalia Moser said.  

The meeting was held for the students of Georgian higher educational institutions, young scholars, as well as academic and administrative staff.


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