
International Workshop and School in Theoretical Physics

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) is hosting the 3rd International Workshop and School in Theoretical Physics on September 21-27. The event is being held within the framework of the Volkswagen Foundation-sponsored Regional Training Network uniting the Universities of Bonn, Tbilisi, Yerevan and Siegen. 

“We have a long tradition of holding similar events at the university and its main idea is to enable young people, especially students, to get first-hand scientific information and join international scientific collaboration,” Deputy Rector of TSU, Merab Eliashvili said.

Director General of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Marine Chitashvili said: “This workshop is actually a continuation of the tradition existing in Georgia for over 30 years. The school is oriented towards young scholars. They will attend lectures and have access to scientists with the highest h-index. This is important for us, because we promote the development, internationalization of academic network and increased academic quality in research activities.”

“It can be said that similar workshops are one of those few events that are held in our region. It involves not only a representative workshop in theoretical physics, but also the school for PhD students.  We have quite a lot of PhD students, who are specializing in this direction and they will be able to attend the lectures delivered by leading experts that will be one of the major factors for their future development and career growth,” Akaki Rusetsky (University of Bonn, Germany) said.

A wide range of issues in modern theoretical physics were discussed during the workshop. Along with Georgian physicists, famous foreign scientists with close links with the Caucasus region are also participating in the event.

Georgian and foreign students are also attending the workshop and three famous scientists, including Gia Dvali will deliver lectures for them.

The main objective of the event is to attract talented young people to fundamental research and strengthen scientific links of foreign-based successful scholars with Georgia and generally with the region. In addition, Georgian students will have an opportunity to share young foreign researchers’ experience and exchange scientific ideas with them.
The event is co-financed by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. It is organized by Tbilisi State University and Free University.

The workshop will take place on September 21-24, followed by the school on September 25-27.


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