
MA Graduation Ceremony at TSU

A solemn MA graduation ceremony was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on July 29. Over 1000 students completed their master’s degrees.
Acting Rector of TSU, Professor Darejan Tvaltvadze, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Giorgi Sharvashidze, Finance Minister, TSU Professor Nodar Khaduri, members of the Academic Council, faculty deans, representatives of academic circles and invited guests attended the ceremony.
During the ceremony, graduates of the Faculty of Medicine took the Hippocratic Oath.      
The history of higher medical education originates from October 1919 when the Faculty of Medicine was established at the Tbilisi State University. In 1930 the faculty ceased functioning after the Tbilisi Medical Institute was founded. In 1995 higher medical education was restored at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, first at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine as medical specialization, and in 2000 as an independent faculty.
“After getting a master’s degree, postgraduates will have much more opportunities to take a worthy place in our society. I am sure that our postgraduates are very happy and satisfied today, because they finished yet another stage of their life. Graduates of our medical faculty took the Hippocratic Oath today. So, they will be able to join the army of physicians in Georgia. For many graduates this day will be unforgettable,” Acting Rector of TSU, Darejan Tvaltvadze noted.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Giorgi Shervashidze said: “This day is very important in the life of the Tbilisi State University. Over 1000 postgraduates will start an independent life. I congratulate all of them on their graduation and wish them to continue their work and studies. This day is very important for the entire society because new talent and new vision enters the society.” He wished success to all graduates.
“I congratulate all postgraduates of the Tbilisi State University on their graduation. It is a very beautiful day in their life. They wrote a very beautiful page in their biographies. I hope that postgraduates will make a significant contribution to the development of our country and what is also important, many of them will return to the university as PhD students,” Finance Minister Nodar Khaduri said.     
Mariam Khatiashvili, a successful postgraduate student, plans to continue her studies at the Tbilisi State University. “I have graduated from the Tbilisi State University twice. Today I have obtained master’s degree and I plan to continue my doctoral studies at our university, because it offers huge academic freedom and a lot of important stages of my life are connected with the walls of this university,” Master in American Studies, Mariam Khatiashvili said.
Over 200 accredited educational programs are implemented at seven faculties of TSU with over 20 000 students undergoing their studies there.


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