
TSU Rector’s Report

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) still remains the leading university in Georgia. In particular, as a result of the Unified National Exams in 2015, about 3600 students were enrolled in TSU with 80% of them receiving state grants, TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said while presenting a report covering his second year in office.

During the presentation Rector Papava spoke about increased international recognition of the university. According to Webometrics Ranking, TSU is among 5% of the world’s best universities and is ranked 1st in the Caucasus region. TSU is also leading with similar parameters according to the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP). TSU is the only Georgian university, whose Master’s Program in Public Administration (jointly implemented with German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer) has been granted international accreditation for a term of five years. In addition, the International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) recognized TSU as the center of outstanding research and granted the 2nd place award to it.

Rector Papava also focused on the important discovery made by TSU student archaeologists and scientists on the Grakliani Hill (Kaspi district) that, in scientists’ opinion, will change a particular stage of the history of both Georgian and world’s written language.

Rector Papava also said that amending the rule of election on academic positions, introducing a minimal standard of granting academic degrees, introducing new faculties and new educational programs will further improve the quality of learning and teaching, as well as scientific research activities at the university. Papava focused on a new educational course – Antique Texts in the Context of Digital Humanities, also involving Harvard, Lyon, São Paulo, Leipzig and other universities.

Rector Papava said that with the support of the U.S. Embassy to Georgia and to ensure full-fledged integration of people with disabilities into educational space, an audio studio has been created at the university, where audio versions of textbooks are being prepared with the help of students.

The Rector also focused on the university’s achievements in terms of international relations. The number of agreements with the world’s leading universities has increased that means more exchange programs and international projects for TSU students, academic and administrative staff.     

Vladimer Papava said that after establishing the Institute of Postdoctoral Studies, TSU started to implement a financial support program for PhD students – the university will cover tuition fees of five successful PhD students from each of the seven faculties.

The Rector also spoke about other novelties and initiatives, scientific grants and publications, successful launch of the School of Engineering jointly with the San Diego State University (USA), translation of textbooks, replenishment of the library fund, support of the university staff, structural changes, relations with the government, infrastructure projects and other measures promoting further improvement of the quality of learning and teaching at the university.


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