
TSU, State Agency for Religious Issues Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

Rector of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Academician Vladimer Papava and Chairman of the State Agency for Religious Issues, Zaza Vashakmadze signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on July 7.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said that “not only will the memorandum promote the conduct of scientific research in this direction, but it will also engage students in deep learning about history of religions.”

“The State Agency for Religious Issues is a newly established structure. It is important that the agency concludes its first agreement with the Tbilisi State University. The agency issues recommendations in scientific-research, as well as educational and analytical directions. All these will be useful for the government in terms of religion policy making and decision making. Efficient steps will be taken through the cooperation with the university in terms of studying or analyzing current problems and issuing recommendations,” Chairman of the State Agency for Religious Issues, Zaza Vashakmadze said.

According to the memorandum, the parties undertake to promote the scientific study of religions and development of Georgian state religion policy; to carry out joint scientific and research projects and programs on studying religious sentiments in the society and overcoming the challenges existing in the field of religion; to hold joint workshops and training programs for all stakeholders, including the agency staff and TSU students; to cooperate in the development of academic programs and educational-theoretical literature on religious studies, religion and politics and religious law.   


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