
Order of Honor Awarded to TSU Professor Emeritus Shota Tskhovrebashvili

Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze awarded the Order of Honor to Professor Emeritus of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Shota Tskhovrebashvili for his personal contribution to the field of geomorphology in Georgia and fruitful scientific activities.  
“The fact that Shota Tskhovrebashvili dedicated 70 years to educating generations of young people is very much appreciated. There are few people like him, who honestly fulfilled their duty to the motherland. The President and the Ministry of Education shared the TSU’s position and awarded the Order of Honor to Shota Tskhovrebashvili,” Education Minister Tamar Sanikidze said.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said: “Shota Tskhovrebashvili, the oldest professor emeritus at TSU, was awarded the Order of Honor for his special contribution. It is symbolic that the university and Shota Tskhovrebashvili are the same age. He has very interesting proposals and opinions and I wish him a long life.”

“I have reached my century. Although I was not born at the university, I have spent all my life here. This is the first award in my life and thank you for not forgetting me,” Professor Emeritus Shota Tskhovrebashvili said. 

Shota Tskhovrebashvili is the author of over 100 scientific and educational publications. His pedagogical activity is also very important. For almost 70 years he was delivering lectures to the students of the faculties of geography and geology and exact and natural sciences. In 1983 he was awarded the title of an Honorary Worker of Georgian High School. Today he is a member of the Rector’s Council of Advisors.    


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