
Chinese Language and Culture Center Opened at TSU

The Chinese Language and Culture Center was opened at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on February 25. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Georgia, Yue Bin, Tbilisi Vice-Mayor, Aluda Goglichidze, representatives of the Chinese telecommunications company Huawei in Georgia, as well as professors and students attended the event. With the support of the Chinese Embassy to Georgia and the company Huawei, the Chinese Language and Culture Center was equipped with relevant computers and furniture.

TSU Rector, Vladimer Papava said: “The Chinese Ambassador promised us several months ago to assist in opening the Chinese Language and Culture Center at TSU. I am pleased that this promise was kept and with the help of Huawei we managed to equip the center, which will help TSU students and other persons interested in rich Chinese culture to use this center. I am sure that our students will make the best use of these opportunities.”

“Georgia and China have been cooperating for a long time already in various directions, including in the sphere of education. Opening of the center is yet another example of how our partner country cares for raising the quality of education; it is important that a private company has been involved in this initiative. According to the bilateral agreement between our countries, student mobility will significantly intensify. Our students should use this opportunity successfully,” Minister of Education and Science, Tamar Sanikidze said.

“We are glad that the Chinese Language and Culture Center was opened at TSU. Although China and Georgia are geographically too far from each other, we have much in common. Modern means of communication have further reduced the distance between us. Broad opportunities are opening up for TSU students, who are learning the Chinese language. Under the intergovernmental agreement, the Chinese government’s scholarships have further increased. By decision of the Chinese Embassy, instead of one student, this year three students from TSU will undergo their studies in China. This donation by the Embassy and the company Huawei will help teaching the Chinese language at TSU. I hope that these students will continue the friendship between our countries,” Chinese Ambassador to Georgia, Yue Bin said.   

“The company Huawei has been functioning in Georgia since 2001. We are glad to support the Chinese Language and Culture Center at TSU and help more students learn the Chinese language. I hope that this center will educate many successful sinologists,” Marco Xu, Huawei’s representative in Georgia, said.

Professor Nana Gelashvili, who leads the Department of Far Eastern Regional Studies at the TSU Faculty of Humanities, spoke about the Sinology module at the university. “Besides the Chinese language, Chinese culture, history, philosophical-religious doctrines, economics are also taught at the Sinology studies program. The interest towards Sinology is gradually increasing among students. This pleasant surprise from the Chinese Embassy to send three students to China is a huge motivation for our students,” Professor Gelashvili said.

Huawei is a global leader of ICT solutions. Its telecom network equipment, IT products and solutions, and smart devices are used in 170 countries and regions. With annual sales revenue of USD39.6 billion in 2013, Huawei ranked 285th on the Global Fortune 500. The company invests over 10% of its annual sales revenue into R&D and more than 45% of its 150,000 employees engage in R&D. Working closely with partners, the company endeavors to build an efficient and integrated digital logistics system. Environment, social responsibility, green technologies (environmental protection), popularization and support of education and knowledge, caring for future generations is one of the priorities of the company Huawei.

The Department of Far Eastern Regional Studies at the TSU Faculty of Humanities consists of two modules – Sinology studies (Chinese language, culture, Chinese history) and Japanese studies. Up to 30 students are currently undergoing their studies on the sinology program. Along with Georgian professors, Chinese specialists are also delivering lectures in the Chinese language and culture.

Last year, upon initiative of Chinese Ambassador to Georgia, Yue Bin, Chinese language textbooks as well as literature about China were donated to TSU.  



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