
Exhibition “The First General Democratic Elections in Georgia”

An exhibition “The First General Democratic Elections in Georgia” was held at the library of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on February 19.

Materials depicting the 1919 elections of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia and pre-election campaign were exhibited. Among them were newspaper extracts, election proclamations and programs, party lists and cartoons, vote tally protocols from the Central Election Commission of the Constituent Assembly and other district commissions, candidates’ letters, etc.  

“In 1918 Georgia declared independence and established a democratic republic. Unfortunately, many people do not know what happened historically, how the elections were held, what decisions were made by the government; therefore, any such information is extremely interesting. The today’s exhibition is dedicated to the first elections and I think that the exhibition materials will be interesting for a lot of people and especially for students,” Rector of the Tbilisi State University, Academician Vladimer Papava said.

“We have exhibited the materials kept at the university fund, as well as the photos provided by the National Archives. The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint the society with the election activities of the Constituent Assembly in 1919, as well as with the values of political subjects running in the election that is very interesting in terms of heredity. I think that the society should know what we were a century ago and what political experience we have in this regard,” Head of the Georgian Democratic Republic Center Library, Irakli Iremadze said.

The event was dedicated to the 97th anniversary of holding the 1919 General Elections of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia.  



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