
Presentation of a Monograph “The Comprehension of the Essence of Mysteries of the Torah and the Song of Songs through the Knight in Panthers Skin”

A presentation of a monograph “The Comprehension of the Essence of Mysteries of the Torah and the Song of Songs through the Knight in Panthers Skin” by Moshe Chaim (Temur) Mdinaradze was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on January 20. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Head of the International Humanitarian Foundation at the Georgian Patriarchate, Lasha Zhvania, TSU professors, students from the direction of Hebrew studies attended the event.

TSU Rector, Vladimer Papava said that “Georgian and Jewish peoples have a multi-century friendship. The literary heritage created by these two nations has become a subject of research by various scientists. It is natural that similar research activities are still underway and it is a kind of challenge; readers should expect a very interesting outcome.”

“The monograph is a biblical commentary. We, the Georgians, should know what a treasure the Knight in Panthers Skin is. It is a commentary on the whole Bible. We should treat it as a holy book,” the author of the monograph, Moshe Chaim (Temur) Mdinaradze said.


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