
Portuguese Writer José Luís Peixoto in Tbilis

From 16th to 20th December, with the initiative and support of TSU – Camoes Portuguese Language Center, TSU hosted the Portuguese contemporary writer José Luís Peixoto, whose latest novel Galveias has been translated into Georgian by Guranda Pachulia, and published by Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House. The translation was granted by Georgian National Book Center and Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language. It represents the first Portuguese novel translated directly from the original into Georgian.

During his visit José Luís Peixoto held the conference at TSU – Camoes Portuguese Language Center, participated in his poetry reading at Movement Theatre, as well as in Galveias reading at "Zoestan", and met Georgian readers at the Galveias presentation held in National Library of Georgia.

José Luís Peixoto is one of Portuguese most acclaimed and bestselling award winning young writer, with established international reputation, a name that inevitably pops up when talking about contemporary Portuguese literature. His literary work has been translated into twenty languages so far. He has received many distinctions and prestigious awards, among others the José Saramago Prize 2001 and the Libro dEuropa Award 2010.

His latest novel Galveias was published in 2014 and sold already over 30,000 copies in Portugal alone. In Brazil it was published in November 2015 and in 2016 won Oceanos 2016 Prize.


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