
Former Italian PM Delivers Lecture at TSU

The issues of EU integration and prospects of Georgia’s rapprochement with European structures were discussed during a public lecture delivered by former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on September 30.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Italian Ambassador to Georgia Federica Favi, foreign diplomats accredited in Georgia, TSU students and professors attended the lecture on a topic “The Future of European Integration.”

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said: “The former Italian Prime Minister delivered a lecture on EU and its future; spoke about the visions of modern Europe as well as about the problems and future of Georgia. Our audience was extremely diverse; students and our professors also attended the lecture along with the guests. Quite interesting questions were asked.”

Ex-PM Letta shared his own experience with the audience. He spoke about the economic crisis in Europe and possible solutions. “We should have the integrated relations with European countries; we should unite and only afterwards we will manage to achieve our goal. Educational reform is essential for the development; we should expand opportunities for Europeans’ education. The Association Agreement, which we signed in Vilnius, is an excellent opportunity for Georgia. Now this agreement should be implemented, because its implementation will be very important for citizens, Georgian business people. The implementation of this agreement is also very important for us, the Europeans,” he said.

Enrico Letta, a representative of the centre-left Democratic Party, led the Italian government in 2013-2014.


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