
Presentation of the World League of Georgian Immigrants

A presentation of the World League of Georgian Immigrants uniting Georgian compatriots scattered all over the world was held at the Museum of Georgian Immigration of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on October 9.

Head of the Museum of Georgian Immigration, Rusudan Kobakhidze said that “Georgian political immigration returns to the harbor of old immigration. Eliza Abelashvili, the chairperson of the World League of Georgian Immigrants, uniting Georgian immigrants of the third wave, as well as founders of this organization are attending the event. Presently, the World League of Georgian Immigrants unites over 8600 Georgians. It is symbolic that the TSU Museum of Immigration is hosting the event. There is a link between old immigration and new immigration. These people are trying to build a bridge with their motherland, to strengthen Georgian immigration and promote their return to their native country.”

“Today is a very emotional day for all of us. After huge efforts, it became possible to unite Georgian immigrants scattered throughout the world within one organization. It was crucial to mark this day here. I want to convey my greetings to those immigrants who are looking forward to the presentation of this organization,” Chairperson of the World League of Georgian Immigrants, Eliza Abelashvili said.

The key goal of the World League of Georgian Immigrants is to strengthen the link between old immigration and new immigration.        


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