
Solemn Event of Charity Organization ‘Learning Support Fund’

A solemn event of the charity organization Learning Support Fund will be held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) at 3pm on February 6. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze, business people, TSU professors and students will attend the event.

The mission of the fund is to provide financial and material support to low-income successful students to improve their access to higher education. The organization has already financed the studies of over 80 students with the help of volunteers from the fund, as well as donations from individuals, business organizations and other institutions.

The charity organization Learning Support Fund was established at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on September 19, 2014, upon the initiative of the faculty professors and students. On November 26, 2015 the fund was granted the status of a charity organization.
During the event, the most active supporters of Learning Support Fund will be awarded Certificates of Appreciation.             
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave.,1, TSU, Building I, auditorium 107 
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