
The Knight in the Panthers Skin – Exhibition of Rare Editions Kept at TSU Library

An exhibition The Knight in the Panthers Skin dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Shota Rustaveli will be opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University at 2pm on November 22.
Oldest and rarest editions of The Knight in the Panthers Skin, including those translated in foreign languages will be exhibited. Among them is the first printed edition by King Vakhtang VI in 1712.

Korean Ambassador to Georgia, Kim Chang-Gyu will attend the opening ceremony and present a Korean translation of The Knight in the Panthers Skin to the TSU Library as a gift.
Nota Bene publisher will present its new unique publication “Painting in The Knight in the Panthers Skin.” In addition, book presentation “The Knight in the Panthers Skin – Graphic Novel” (project’s artistic director, Papuna Davitaia), as well as presentation of the first illustrated board game The Knight in the Panthers Skin (project author and manager, Levan Gelashvili) will be held. Illustrations created by painter Nino Gelashvili specifically for this game will also be exhibited.

Address: University Street 11, Exhibition Hall at the Main Building of the TSU Library
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