
TSU Plans to Award Honorary Doctorate to Prof. Nicolae Dura

A ceremony of awarding honorary doctorate to Prof. Nicolae Dura, a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, will be held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) at 4pm on May 14.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, professors and students will attend the solemn ceremony.

Nicolae, Dura, director and founding member of Religious and Judiciary-canonical Studies and Research Centre of the three Monotheist Religions (Mosaic, Christian and Islamic) - CRM (Faculty of Theology of the Ovidius University in Constanta) is a prominent researcher of Romanian academic space. Professor Dura is well-known for his multidisciplinary research in the fields of theology and ecclesiastical law, religion and philosophy of law.

Professor Dura appeared in Georgian academic space in 2006. He actively joined the bachelor’s degree program in philosophy as an expert in the following disciplines: anthropology, philosophy of religion and Christian ethics. He made a significant contribution to developing a theology minor program.    

Address: 1, I. Chavchavadze Ave., TSU, Building I, room 107.

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