Ekaterine Gamrekelashvili

Previous Academic Qualifications: TSU, Faculty of Humanities, MA
PhD Program:  Philosophy (Subfield: Logic and Philosophy of Language)

  • "Plato’s Theory of Cognition and Knowledge as the Verified True Faith in Modern Epistemology", in The Annual  Studies in Humanities, N4, Tbilisi State University Press, Tbilisi, 2015. pp. 30-42.
  • "Ludwig Wittgenstein: Meaning, Language Games and Knowledge", International Scientific Journal -  Intellectual, N24, Tbilisi, 2013. pp. 42-48.
  • "Are Names Rigid Designators?" in Knowledge and Morality: Philosophical Papers, Nekeri Publications, Tbilisi, 2012. pp. 74-83.
  • „Stoic’s Lekton and Frege’s Sense“, in Some Aspects of Necessity: Apriority, Identity, Contradiction, Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosohy, Tbilisi, pp. 1-10.
Participation in Conferences
  • „Relying on Others - New Perspectives in Social Epistemology“, Cologne Summer School in Philosophy, Cologne, Germany, September 7-10, 2011.
გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2016-06-16 14:55:22