Tea Shelia

Previous Academic Qualifications: TSU, Faculty of History, Diploma Obtained (Equivalent to MA), 1989-1994.
PhD  Program: Archaeology-Paleoanthropology

  • "Earliest Human Occupation at Dmanisi (Georgian Caucasus) dated to 1.85– 1.78 Ma". PNAS, USA, National Academy of Sciences. 2011. Vol.108 no. 26, pp. 10432- 10436
  • "New Archaeological  Discoveries  From  the  Mount  Dali  (Outer  Kakhetia,  riv.  Iori,     right  bank)", Georgian National Museum, Proceedings (The Natural and Prehistoric section), No. 2, 2010, pp.  90-95.
  • "Technical and Technological Complexity in the Beginning: The study of Dmanisi Lithic Assemblage". Quarterly International, Elsevier, Vol. 223-224, 2010, pp. 45-53.

Participation in Conferences
  • "Variability and Change in the Record of Occupation in Block M5 at Dmanisi:", International workshop in Tbilisi -  The Role of the Southern Caucasus on Early Human Evolution and Expansion, Georgian National Museum, 15-20 October, 2013.
  • "New Evidence for the Spatial-Temporal Record of Occupations in the Georgian Caucasus", Annual meeting of the Paleo-Anthropological Society Memphis (USA), April 17-18 , 2012. 
გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2016-06-21 14:36:48